Before thinking about how to get rid of parasites in the body, it would be a good idea to carry out tests to confirm the presence of intruders and identify their type. After all, any treatment can have side effects, which means that treatment must be targeted and not mindless.
Types of parasites
The most common parasites found in humans are:
- roundworms (roundworms, pinworms);
- flatworms (tapeworms, tapeworms, echinococci);
- protozoa (amoeba, lamblia, chlamydia, trichomonas, toxoplasmosis);
- mushrooms;
- bacteria
The most common worms (parasitic worms) found in humans are pinworms and roundworms. Most often, children suffer from enterobiasis (a disease caused by the presence of pinworms in the body) and roundworm infection, due to the fact that the eggs of these parasites enter the body mainly through dirty hands. In the presence of pinworms or roundworms in a family member, as a rule, all members of the household become infected.
Among the protozoa, Giardia is the most common. They also enter the body as a result of poor hand hygiene.
Symptoms of Parasite Infestation
The most obvious symptoms of human infection by parasitic organisms:
- constipation or diarrhea, flatulence;
- pain in muscles and joints;
- allergic manifestations, skin rashes, acne or eczema;
- obesity or excessive weight loss;
- sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue;
- a sharp decrease in immunity.
How to get rid of parasites

Drug treatment
In medicine, there are a large number of drugs aimed at eliminating various parasites from the human body. The most famous among them and frequently used are the following remedies for parasites in the human body:
- medications for pinworms;
- tapeworm medications;
- tablets for flatworms.
Each drug for parasites in the human body is aimed at a certain type of parasitic organisms and can only be prescribed by a specialist after conducting the necessary tests to identify a specific type of parasite. Also, some medications for the treatment of serious infections are only taken in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.
All drugs intended to cleanse the body of parasites act mainly only in their adults, while the eggs are not killed by means of such pills. Therefore, as a rule, the course of taking such drugs should be repeated a couple of weeks after the first dose. The dosage and method of administration are strictly prescribed by the doctor and have significant differences for adults and children (in addition, various drugs are not allowed in childhood).
Antiparasitic drugs are very effective, but they have one big drawback: they are toxic and have many side effects. That is why only a doctor can prescribe them for adults and children.
Side effects
The main side effects of parasite pills include:
- nausea and vomiting;
- painful sensations in the abdomen;
- headache, dizziness, confusion;
- impaired movement coordination;
- impaired liver and kidney function, kidney failure;
- numbness or trembling of the limbs;
- rapid fatigue;
- seizures
- Sleep disturbance;
- skin dermatitis.
Each drug has its own contraindications that cannot be ignored. The doctor must take into account the general condition of the patient before prescribing this or that remedy.
Medical treatment for parasites involves complexity, that is, one cannot be limited to taking antiparasitic drugs, since together with them it is necessary to drink drugs aimed at protecting the liver, improving bile secretion, cleaning the intestines and strengthening immunity. In addition, you will need antihistamines and medications that reduce the toxic effects.

How to get rid of parasites in the body with home remedies.
Traditional medicine is a worthy substitute for antiparasitic drugs. The most effective products in the fight against parasites are:
- sagebrush;
- clove seeds;
- Nut.
How to take absinthe
To combat parasites, absinthe nuts should be taken before meals in powder form for 6 days. In this case, the course should start with a pinch and by the sixth day gradually bring to ½ teaspoon. Then you need to take 1/2 teaspoon of wormwood powder once a week until it is completely free from parasitic organisms.
Clove seed reception scheme.
Cloves are a seasoning used in cooking. Its burning properties act to increase immunity and destroy various parasites. To use this seasoning as a medicine, you need to take it 3 times a day before meals. On the first day, you should take 1/5 of a teaspoon, on the second - ¼, from 3 to 10 - 1/3 of a teaspoon. Also, a whole tablespoon until complete recovery.
Nuts for parasites
To prepare a tincture of walnuts, it is necessary to finely chop about 15 ripe fruits, then pour 0. 5 liters of alcohol into them and leave them for 20 days in a place protected from light. Once the tincture is ready, it should be taken on an empty stomach. On day 1, you should take 1 drop of the resulting medicine, having previously dissolved it in ½ glass of water. Every day you need to add 1 drop for 5 days. On day 6, you should drink 2 teaspoons dissolved in a glass of water.
The action of these home remedies will be more effective if you combine their use.
Among other things, fasting is an effective tool in the fight against parasites, but this method can be used very carefully, since prolonged fasting can have an extremely negative effect on the general state of human health and undermine themetabolism.
It should be remembered that cleaning the body of parasites with folk remedies, including fasting, should be agreed with the doctor in order to avoid unwanted side effects.