Today we will talk about how to take pumpkin seeds for worms, what and how much you can add to them to achieve maximum effect. Pharmaceutical companies offer many medications to quickly kill worms. However, almost all synthesized chemicals have a toxic effect on the human body and have many negative side effects.
Commonly available treatments

Traditional healers and doctors recommend safe recipes for getting rid of helminths using foods rich in bioactive substances that are toxic to parasites. First of all, these are garlic, pumpkin seeds and pineapple.
Let's take a closer look at how to use pumpkin seeds against worms and how many cloves of garlic and pineapple are needed daily to completely cleanse the body. What other foods should be added to the diet for the treatment and prevention of helminth infestations.
Many people ask how many pumpkin seeds an adult should eat per day to get rid of worms. I will answer right away, 100 pieces per day. The seeds must be raw. Divide this rule into 4 parts and eat after finishing the main meal.
To eliminate parasites from the body, after taking each serving, drink a teaspoon of castor oil an hour later. The course of treatment is 3 days. But there are other recipes. I advise you to read it.
100% deworming method
Treating worms with pumpkin seeds has been used successfully by people since time immemorial; However, the most effective way to destroy worms is to eat a salad of one clove of garlic, 30 g of peeled pumpkin seeds (1. 5 tablespoon), daily. On an empty stomach in the morning, 300 g of pineapple (1/4 medium medium fruit).
From a medical point of view, the mechanism of cleansing the body of worms with such a unique mixture is explained simply:
- Garlic produces allicin, which has powerful fungicidal, anthelmintic and antibacterial effects. This natural antibiotic destroys the metabolism of helminths, they crystallize and become non-viable. Dead worms are removed from the intestines even without the use of laxatives.
- How do pumpkin seeds act against worms? Parasites firmly attach their heads to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and other vessels and begin to literally suck useful substances from the cells. In addition, they can feed not only through the mouth, but also from the surface of the entire body. Pumpkin seeds contain a bioactive amino acid with strong antiparasitic properties: cucurbitin. It disrupts the neuromuscular connections of the worms and paralyzes the muscles of the helminths. Immobilized parasites are eliminated with the help of laxatives (for constipation) or without them.
- Ripe pineapples are rich in proteolytic enzymes - papain and bromelain, which are able to dissolve the structural membranes of the worm, after which the cells of its body are completely decomposed under the influence of pancreatic enzymes.
Simultaneous consumption of the listed products in the form of a salad, smoothie or cocktail for 3 days ensures complete cleansing of the organism from helminths. However, this remedy is quite aggressive for children's stomachs, so the best option would be to use pumpkin seeds against worms for children mixed with honey and milk.
How to get rid of worms with pumpkin seeds.

Do pumpkin seeds help against worms? Yes. In case of parasite infestation, helminths not only steal useful substances (vitamins, minerals) from the human body, but also damage the structure of blood vessels and organ cavities.
Worms literally gnaw away at tissues, so a person needs to consume foods that promote cell regeneration. In addition, in the process of life, helminths secrete toxic substances that poison human blood, which means that detoxification of the body is necessary.
Pumpkin seeds for worms are the most favorable option, since they contain many bioactive elements that promote the rapid restoration and renewal of body tissues and increase immune defenses.
In addition, traditional healers recommend worm recipes with pumpkin seeds, in which food products that neutralize poisons produced by parasites play an important role in the regeneration of the organism. Let's look at traditional methods that are particularly effective.
Pumpkin seeds and milk
In this recipe, milk casein acts as an antidote against helminthic infestations and saturates the body with protein amino acids and vitamin A, which promote cell renewal and regeneration.
- Mix 250 g (faceted glass) of raw pumpkin seeds with green shells, ground into powder, in a blender with the same amount of cow's milk (not boiled).
- Eat on an empty stomach in the morning, after 40-60 minutes drink a glass of water.
- After about another hour, you should repeat, increasing the volume of water to the maximum you can drink at a time.
- After a period of 2. 5 to 3 hours, take a laxative (castor oil can be used) to quickly eliminate paralyzed parasites.
- For a child, the norm for drinking a smoothie (milk and seeds in equal volume) is 1/3 cup, for children under 5 years old - 150 ml. – up to 12 years.
Pumpkin seeds with milk against worms have a mild effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore the recipe is suitable for pregnant women, children and elderly people with weakened intestinal functions.
Honey and pumpkin seeds

Fresh bee honey contains more than 300 healing bioactive components that protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms and helminths and have unique properties to regenerate damaged human tissue.
Raw pumpkin seeds for worms mixed with honey activate the process of neutralizing poisons, cleansing parasites and replenishing beneficial substances stolen from the body by worms.
How should children take pumpkin seeds for worms in a honey composition?
- In the evening, mix an equal amount of green-hulled seed powder and honey (40 g of each ingredient is one and a half tablespoons) until you get a jam-like consistency.
- The child needs to eat the medicinal composition on an empty stomach, for one hour, and drink plenty of liquid.
- One hour after the procedure, have breakfast with liquid porridge.
- After a 3-hour break, take one of the laxatives.
For adults, it is most effective to immediately take a honey concentrate of 50 g of honey and 250 g of pumpkin seeds, ground into powder together with the green peel.
Aqueous anthelmintic tincture of pumpkin seeds.
Of course, pumpkin seeds against worms can be chewed in their natural form, but there is a danger that the solid fractions will damage the enamel of the teeth and the gum mucosa.
The use of an aqueous concentrate not only protects the tissue structure, but also promotes the rapid absorption of cucurbitin by the body, from the oral cavity to the intestines. How to prepare a healing infusion?
- Dilute 60 g (2 tablespoons) of green seeds and shells powder with warm water in the morning until you get a thick sour cream.
- It is recommended to consume on an empty stomach, it can be taken with milk or water.
- After 2. 5 hours, take castor oil to loosen stools, or a solution of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) from 20 g of the product and half a glass of water.
- For children, saline solution is prepared at the rate of 1 gram of the substance for each year of the child's life.
All of the listed recipes for healers, using pumpkin seeds with honey for worms, with milk and water, will work more effectively if you add one or two cloves of garlic to the medicinal compositions (as the main means of killing parasites), as well such as fresh pineapple, which helps destroy the protective membranes of helminth cells.
Why do traditional recipes sometimes not work?

The reasons for the survival of helminths are an insufficient number of seeds. Removal during cleaning of the green peel that contains a lot of cucurbitin. Boiling medicinal mixtures, which reduces the activity of components of the product toxic to worms and other inappropriate actions during treatment.
The important conditions to increase the effectiveness of each folk remedy made from pumpkin seeds against worms are the following:
- mandatory use of laxatives that contribute to the rapid removal of paralyzed worms and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract;
- a day before consuming an anthelmintic product and during the treatment process, it is necessary to abandon fatty foods, confectionery products and alcohol. It is better to switch to a simple diet: cabbage soup and porridge;
- in the morning of the next day and on the 3rd day, cleanse the body with an enema.
Roasted pumpkin seeds are practically useless against worms.
If someone is not confident in the methods of eliminating helminths with folk remedies, they can buy natural herbal preparations at the pharmacy, which contain pumpkin seeds, medicinal herbs and fruits that have antiparasitic properties.
Take them strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the possibility of an allergic reaction to a particular ingredient.
Be healthy!